bolinhos de frango ao curry - Chicken Curry Balls Recipe

Chicken Curry Balls Recipe, Serve with Mayonnaise Sauce


  • 1 cup of roasted or cooked chicken
  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder
  • Mayonnaise Sauce
  • Ground nuts

Preparation of Chicken Curry Balls Recipe

  1. Grind the chicken and mix it with curry powder and mayonnaise until you can shape it into balls.
  2. Roll the balls in ground nuts.
  3. Skewer each ball on a stick.
  4. Serve them chilled. If desired, you can use roasted and ground peanuts instead of nuts.

Check out more recipes for fancy appetizers here…

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  1. The articles you write help me a lot and I like the topic

    1. Cocina de Brasil

      Gracias, Peinados!