Receta de Feijoada Brasileña - A melhor receita de feijoada brasileira - Feijoada Recipe
Culinária Brasileira

In prose or in verse – with caipirinhas, beats, or whiskey on the rocks – from time to time, prepare the most Brazilian dish of national cuisine, Brazilian Feijoada.

Learn more about the tricks for this recipe
After seasoning, just before removing the Feijoada from the heat, add 2 to 3 glasses of orange juice to the pan. It looks great!



  • 2 kilograms of black beans
  • 1 kilogram of dried beef
  • 1 kilogram of salted loin
  • 1 smoked and cleaned tongue
  • 1 kilogram of smoked or salted pork ribs
  • 2 or 3 sausages
  • 1 kilogram of flavorful ear and snout
  • 400 grams of smoked bacon
  • 1 kilogram of salted pork tail
  • 250 grams of salted bacon
  • 1 kilogram or more of pork sausage
  • 1 kilogram of beef
  • 1 tip of needle or arm (optional)
  • 2 pig’s feet (sparks)
  • 1 kilogram of tripe (optional)
  • 3 or 4 bay leaves
  • 2 large onions
  • 10 to 12 cloves of garlic a few very thin slices of cabbage
  • 2 to 3 glasses of select orange or pear juice
  • Farofa to taste
  • Feijoada Sauce
  • Fluffy rice
  • Mineira cabbage


  1. Wash the salted meats, rubbing them well to remove excess salt. Soak them separately the day before, as well as the black beans, of course. The next morning, boil the salted meats and pour off the water and let them cool.
  2. The tripe can be prepared the day before, cleaned of fat and soaked as well.
  3. Then bring to the fire the beans with the bay leaf, the pig’s feet, the smoked tongue, the already cleaned tripe, the bacon skins, the tails, and the beef.
  4. Cook everything in large pieces; it’s easier to remove them from the pan if they soften in advance, returning them only at the end when adding the sauté.
  5. About an hour later, add the ear and snout, the salted bacon, only 250 grams of smoked bacon, the ribs, the sausages, and the loin. Half an hour later, add the sausage; if you prefer, cook it first.
  6. If frying it, cut it into small pieces, about 4 to 5 cm long. Take it to a low heat, initially with a little oil, letting the sausage release its own fat. Just increase the heat a bit at the end to brown it.
  7. Remove the pieces from the pan and put the remaining 150 grams of smoked bacon in the same fat, cut into cubes. When the pork rinds are ready, remove them from the pan and reserve some of the remaining fat in another pan.
  8. In the remaining fat, brown the chopped onion and crushed garlic and pour it into the Feijoada pan.
  9. Knead 2 to 3 bean husks, return them to the pan, and let them simmer over low heat so they don’t stick to the bottom. If it lacks salt, although it’s difficult…! – add.
  10. Heat the fat in the pan and sauté 3 or 4 cloves of garlic.
  11. When they are well browned, add the cabbage, sauté well, and season carefully because the chorizo fat and smoke are already salty.
  12. Sprinkle the pork rinds over the cabbage when you bring it to the table. At the last moment, add the orange juice to the Feijoada pot.
  13. I like to separate the meats into shallow plates, cutting them into regular pieces. Then I serve the beans separately in deep bowls.
  14. The farofa is served with the sausage pieces around it. White rice, oranges, and a lemon and pepper sauce complete the prose poem…

See farofa recipes here…

An important recommendation, the Brazilian Feijoada recipe below, we recommend making it with black beans.
Feijoada Recipe
Feijoada Recipe
Learn more about this trick for this recipe:
After seasoning, just before removing the Feijoada from the heat, add 2 to 3 glasses of orange juice to the pan. It looks great!

Some like to make the Feijoada Sauce like mine, adding a little bean broth as well.



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