Delicious Recipe for Making Turkish Coffee

Como fazer CAFÉ TURCO - Delicious Recipe for Making Turkish Coffee

Delicious Recipe for Making Turkish Coffee and Some Advice for Preserving the Aroma and Flavor of Coffee Grounds for Home Preparation

Turkish Coffee – INGREDIENTS:

  • Coffee grounds
  • Water
  • Sugar


  1. Boil the water.
  2. Add sugar to taste and let it boil again.
  3. Add the coffee (1 level tablespoon for each small cup of water) and, once it boils again, serve it without straining.

Some advice about coffee:

To preserve the aroma and flavor of coffee grounds, add a little sugar and store in a tightly sealed container. The coffee filter is important for a good cup of coffee. When it’s new, boil it in a solution of used coffee grounds. Always moisten the filter before using it. Rinse the coffee pot, cups, and filter with hot water. This will result in a tastier drink. Coffee should not be reheated. But if you must, always do it in a double boiler. When coffee boils during reheating, it loses its aroma and flavor. However, in times like these, we can’t afford to waste.

So, if the coffee accidentally boils, do the following: When removing it from the heat, add a teaspoon of cold water to prevent an unpleasant taste. But don’t offer it to me because I don’t accept reheated coffee.

Find more coffee recipes here…

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Cocina de Brasil

Welcome to Cocina do Brasil! I'm Ina Belzunce, a passionate copywriter and SEO, and my love for good food is the driving force behind this site. With Brazilian and Lebanese roots, my goal is to merge the best of both culinary cultures, creating a unique experience for food lovers.

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