2 RECETAS DE MASA PARA PIZZA - massa de pizza - PIZZA DOUGH - pâte à pizza

If you’re looking to prepare a delicious homemade pizza, pizza dough is essential for a perfect base. With a well-made pizza dough, you can enjoy a soft, crispy texture that perfectly complements your favorite toppings.

In our pizza dough recipe, we use quality ingredients such as wheat flour, yeast, salt, water and a touch of oil. These ingredients are carefully combined to create a dough that is elastic and easy to work with. Prepare your own pizza dough and surprise your family and friends with a delicious homemade pizza!



  • 1 yeast tablet
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup (coffee) of oil
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 glass of water
  • Salt (sufficient quantity)
  • Wheat flour (sufficient quantity)


  1. Dissolve the yeast in a little milk (previously boiled and warm) and add wheat flour, the remaining milk, all water, and sugar. The dough should be slightly soft, like a pancake. This is the desired texture for pizza dough.
  2. Wrap the bowl well and store it in a warm place. (The turned-off oven is a good place for this. The bowl can be wrapped in a blanket or newspaper to help the dough rise faster).
  3. Two hours later, add the egg (unbeaten), salt, oil, and mix well.
  4. Then add wheat flour until the dough no longer sticks to your hands.
  5. Roll it out thinly, about 3 millimeters thick, and place it on well-greased baking trays.
  6. As you start to roll out the dough, put a small ball in a glass of water. When this ball rises to the surface, the dough is ready to be placed in the oven.
  7. Sometimes it takes an hour, sometimes less. If the ball rises before dinner time, it doesn’t matter, as long as the pizza is baked half an hour later. If the pizza is left unbaked for many hours, after it has risen enough, which is verified by the increase in the ball, the dough may become bitter.
Preparing pizza dough



  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 cups of wheat flour
  • 4 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast
  • Salt


  1. Make a hole in the middle of the flour, after sifting with yeast and salt, and add milk and oil.
  2. Knead well and roll out, lining one or two molds, depending on their size. The molds should be greased. (This dough does not need to rest).



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