Caramel Stages Recipes

Pontos de Calda - Tipos de Almíbar y Caramelo - Caramel Stages

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Caramel Stages 


A valuable technique that every cook should master is the creation of delicious burned sugar. In the same container in which you plan to cook or bake the flan or pudding, place a cup filled with sugar and heat it until it reaches a light brown color. This is where the magic happens. Then, add about 3 teaspoons of hot water and mix well, just by gently shaking the container. Let it sit until the sugar is completely melted and mixed, ready to be used.


The clarity and purity of the syrup are essential in many recipes, especially when the dessert should have the color of snow. There are two ways to achieve this clarity. The first is simple clarification, which involves the care of removing, with a skimmer, the dark foam that forms on the surface of the syrup. However, the real magic happens with the second technique: adding beaten egg white to the mixture of water and sugar before heating it. Even if the amount of syrup is small, it’s recommended to use a deep pan, as the egg white can easily make the mixture spill over. The ideal ratio is one beaten egg white for every three or four kilograms of sugar. When the syrup begins to boil, reduce the heat and remove, using a skimmer, any foam that appears on the surface. The egg white serves to purify the syrup, removing all impurities from the sugar. If you wish, after thoroughly cleaning the syrup, you can even strain it through a wet cloth before using it.


Caramel Stages Recipes
Caramel Stages

Let’s talk about the famous hard ball stage, the point at which the syrup transforms into a hard and brittle consistency, ideal for creating those delicious hard candies.


Caramel Stages Recipes
Caramel Stages

But if you’re looking for softness, the soft ball stage is the way to go. How do you know when you’ve reached this stage? It’s simple. Pour a little syrup into a cup of cold water and try to gather the syrup with your fingers. When you can do this easily, you’ve reached the stage.


Caramel Stages Recipes
Caramel Stages

Sometimes, we desire an intermediate result between the consistency of paste and the hard ball stage. In this case, we reach the mirror stage, characterized by a slightly thicker texture than syrup at the paste stage but still more transparent, like a shiny mirror.


Now, let’s explore the thread stage. How to identify it? Dip your thumb into a little syrup that should have been taken to a plate. Join your index finger and separate them. If a soft thread forms, you’ve reached the stage. Some experts in syrup stages can discern the stage simply by lifting the skimmer in the air and observing the thread that forms. If the thread breaks, you’ve reached the stage.


But if you prefer a stronger thread, the firm thread stage is the way to go. Follow the same process, but the thread should be soft, without breaking, similar to a strand of pulled taffy.


Caramel Stages Recipes
Caramel Stages

Finally, dip the skimmer right into the center of the pan and lift it, giving it a few turns. The syrup will fall, forming a kind of fringe, and sometimes, a longer thread will emerge from the middle of that fringe. This is the paste stage.


Caramel Stages Recipes
Caramel Stages

Lastly, there’s the hair stage, where the syrup forms fine and light threads that float in the air.

I hope this text on Caramel Stages Recipes is informative and helpful. If you have more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to leave a comment.



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Cocina de Brasil

Welcome to Cocina do Brasil! I'm Ina Belzunce, a passionate copywriter and SEO, and my love for good food is the driving force behind this site. With Brazilian and Lebanese roots, my goal is to merge the best of both culinary cultures, creating a unique experience for food lovers.

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