Dessert aux Poires Belzunce Pears Dessert - Sobremesa de Peras - Postre de Peras Belzunce

Discover the Charm of Nordic Gastronomy: Explore the delightful Nordic cuisine with our refined recipe for Belzunce Pears dessert. This dessert, of Nordic origin, blends the sweetness of pears with the sophistication of angelica, an herb that imparts a subtle flavor reminiscent of celery. Perfect for those seeking to explore unique flavors.

Ingredients (ufor 2 people):

  • 2 ripe pears
  • 130 g of sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 30 g of flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 liter of milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • A hazelnut of butter
  • 50 g of almond powder
  • A dash of kirsch
  • A small piece of angelica

Preparation: Belzunce Pears Dessert

  1. Peel the pears, leaving the stems, but remove the core and seeds with a corer, which you will introduce through the base of the fruit.
  2. Dissolve 50 g of sugar in a glass of water, heat, and let it boil for a few minutes. Stand the pears upright in the pot with this syrup. Cover and let them cook over low heat until they become elastic to the touch. Monitor the final phase of cooking carefully to prevent the pears from falling apart. Drain them and let them cool standing on a plate.
  3. Boil the milk and vanilla. Place an egg yolk, a pinch of salt, and 30 g of sugar in a bowl and work until the mixture becomes whitish and foamy; then incorporate the flour, and afterwards, the milk, spoonful by spoonful. Put in a saucepan, heat while stirring constantly; let it boil only 2 or 3 times before stopping the cooking.
  4. Beat the egg white until stiff while the cream cools. Mix the butter and the cream, then fold in the beaten egg white. When the cream is cold, add the almond powder and flavor with a dash of kirsch. Pour the cream into cups and place the pears on top. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
  5. Just before serving, melt the remaining sugar in a tablespoon of water and cook until you obtain an almost dark caramel. Decorate the pears with small pieces of angelica simulating leaves, then drizzle with caramel and refrigerate again until ready to serve.
Belzunce Pears Dessert
Belzunce Pears Dessert

Amaze your guests with this delicious recipe that combines Nordic tradition with a contemporary touch. A unique culinary experience that will transport you to the flavors of the North! Dare to be the chef of your own gastronomic journey!

Angelica is an herb of Nordic origin with a taste similar to celery. It is a plant with thick green stems often used in pastry and confectionery to provide distinctive flavor and aroma. Commonly used to accompany fish dishes, soups, and salads. Additionally, its seeds and roots are used in the production of liqueurs, contributing their characteristic flavor and aroma to these beverages. In the above recipe, it is mentioned to add a small piece of angelica to give a special touch to the dish.

More dessert recipes here.

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Cocina de Brasil

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